master Dev (#5)

* Add alternate distance functions
- Add manhatten and squared distance functions
- Change some keybinding values

* Focus monitors by index, lock cursor to window.
- Use -Ofast over -O3
- Some code cleanup
- Register for motion events
- Check windows are valid
- Pass events to user hooks
- fluke::get for tuples

* Various small changes and restructuring
- Sanitizer flags are now optional, they increase compile times significantly
- Add -m64 flag to CXXFLAGS
- Focus orphaned windows correctly on launch
- Remove some overly verbose messages
- Various cleanups relating to array indexing
- Changes to focusing functionality
- Restructured master/slave action
- Added stacking layout, fullscreen and monocle
- Fix issue relating to destroy notify handler and child windows

* Various changes and updated tinge module

* Add include guards

* Const correctness

Jack Clarke avatar Jack Clarke

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